Birding Guatemala

Lake atitlan is the second most visited place in Guatemala after Antigua, well known for the most beautiful lake. Atitlan is a natural wonder and reserve, an old volcanic crater, surrounding by twelve mayan villages and three majestic dormant volcanoes. It is an important bird area which hosts unique endemic birds, covers the area of central highlands, and the south pacific lowlands, the special birds of Atitlan: Pink-headed Warbler, Quetzal Resplendt, Horned Guan, Azure Rumped Tanager, Hooded Groesbeak, Wine throated Hummingbird, Green Throated Mountain Gem,Blue throated Motmot, Slender sheartail Hummingbird, White-faced Ground Sparrow, Rufous Browed Wren, Blue-crowned Chlorophonia, Belted Flycatcher, Black-thoated Jay, Bushy Crested Jay, Blue and White Mockingbird, Elegant Euponia, Lesser Ground Cuckoo, White eared ground Sparrow, Gray Silky flycatcher and many more.